Hill's Science Diet Sensitive Stomach & Skin Small & Mini dry dog food provides optimal digestive health while nourishing skin & promoting a lustrous coat. Prebiotic fiber to fuel beneficial gut bacteria & support a balanced microbiome. High digestibility for optimal nutrient absorption & easier stool pick up. Vitamin E & Omega 6 fatty acids for skin nourishment.
- - Fresh new look, coming soon
- - This dry dog food uses prebiotic fiber to feed your small dog's microbiome for optimal digestive health
- - Vitamin E, omega 6 fatty acids and other nutrients in smaller kibble help nourish skin & promote a lustrous coat
- - Dog food formulated with little dogs in mind to provide an optimal balance of nutrients specifically for miniature and toy breed dogs
- - Precise balance and highly digestible ingredients for sensitive stomachs and for dogs with sensitive skin
- - Made with natural ingredients
- - Made in the USA with global ingredients you can trust